Wednesday, 15 October 2014

The Final Level.

So, finally I have finished the level I set out to create at the start of my MA, everything is finished and in that is needed to teach the player how to play themselves!

Below is a walkthrough of the level, explaining the theories behind each area.

First of all, as explained in a previous blog posts as most of you know when the player is lowered into the first main area they are presented with three things a doorway with lights above to the left, a computer in the middle and a map to the right. Straight away there are three indications:
1. The first is to use the computer, this is shown in the centre of the room with a cone of light beaming down on it to suggest this is the first objective. Once they use it they are presented with a keypad, suggesting a code needs to be entered. The code needed is in the centre of the map to the right, not only is this the correct code, but it is also showing where the player currently is on the map.

The Map
2. The map itself is also helpful, as it will help guide the player around the level should they want to learn their way around. But it will also be the first indication that some things are only visible in the dark when the lights are off, as it will disappear once the code is entered and the lights are turned on. 
3. The door to the right with the lights above it suggests that this is the main objective of the level, that all the lights will need to be turned on and the door needing to be opened. 
The green lights, indicating Puzzle completion
Once the code is entered the lights will turn on and the player is then able to explore the level, this will also come into play later on as this has now taught the player that this code will turn the lights back on.

Throughout the level there are a few forms of guidance to help the player around it. First of all is the coloured chevrons on the wall, these will guide the player to each puzzle room. The bottom of the chevron will always be pointing the right way - For example if it is like this '\' it means that room is to the right. The colours of the chevrons also play a part as they correspond to the colours of the symbols on the keypad, as when a symbol is pressed a coloured keypad appears, showing that rooms colour.
As well as the chevrons there are a few landmarks to help navigate, there are some scribbles on the walls saying things like 'Help' and 'Do not stop it' some a small hints and some aren’t; they also suggests a slight narrative to the level. Crates are also dotted around the level to help as landmarks but also suggest to possibly go a certain way. 
Wall scribbles
There is also a way of guidance while the lights are off as well, and this is to do with the alarm lights. While the alarm is sounding, red lights will fill the hallways to show danger...however these will also guide the player back through the level to the central main room where they can input the code again and stop the alarm. Throughout the darkness there are also other scribbling in the UV ink that the codes and map are drawn in, as extra suggestion that the player must explore the darkness too.

Throughout the level there are codes and rooms hidden around that the player must find and access to help turn on the green lights back in the main area. All codes can be found at any time, below is just an indication of the usual order or the ideal order.

The First Code

The updated area for the first code.
Plant Pod Symbol
The first code players will usually come across is the 'Botanical Garden' code which is '2830'. This is because this is the only code that is visible while the lights are on as it is at the end of a darkened hallway showing it’s still only visible in the dark. This will allow them to access the 'Botanical Gardens' and attempt the puzzle. When they enter the room a plant will block the doorway, they will then be stuck until they figure out the puzzle, should they take too long the timer for the alarm will surely run out, they will die and be returned to the main room. The Puzzle here requires them to pick up three vials and place them in the correct order in the various plant pods around the room. Here there are three indications to the correct pod placement:
Botanical Vial
1. The first indication is the plant that blocks the door. The plant that blocks the player in is also a plant in three of the pods on the inside of the room, indicating the correct place to put them.
2. The correct pods will have symbols on them, each of them correspond the symbol on the Vial that needs to be inserted into the pod.

3. Should the player read a 'Hologram' that is on the pod, the correct pods will say a different colour, which is also an indication to the colour of the vials.
Pod Hologram
Once the vials are in the correct places, the player can turn the valve at the end of the room, the plants will die and they are free to explore once again. A button will also appear outside the room, should the player press it the green light for this room’s symbol will turn on in the main area.

The Second Code

Etched 'Jump' on the main desk
Once the 'Botanical garden' is complete there are now four more puzzles left. There is one area that is always open, and is also shown on the map and this is the 'Jump Room'. Here the player will find the code for the 'Zero-G Room'. This objective of this room is very simple as it is one of the first rooms the player can come across and that is to jump over the wall to the other side. This is shown in a few different ways:
Inside the Jump Room
1. First of all before the player even ventures near the room, should they have looked on the 
 desk at in the main area '-Jump' will be etched next to its symbol near the computer.
2. Before they enter the room, the hallway will be filled with crates in a way that makes them seem as though they can be jumped over. This not only suggests the objective for the next room, but also sets 'Jump' as a mechanic for the level. 
3. Once they enter the room, it is tall with platforms protruding from the walls suggesting they can be jumped to make it to the top.
Visible symbol and Line hint.
4. There is a window to the right of the room, and looking through it will show the 'Zero-G' symbol, further showing the objective.
5. As the player is moving through the room, if they step close to the first wall a platform will push out of the wall, if they move away it will go back in. Jumping on it will keep it out, showing that other platforms will also protrude out of the walls. 
6. finally, on the wall of the room are some lines in a certain order, this suggests the jump pattern of the room.
Zero-G Code - The reward for completion
Once completed they will be given the code needed for the 'Zero-G Room' which is '1623' and a button will appear outside this room, pressing it will activate the green light for this symbol in the main room.

The Zero-G Room

The Zero-G Room
The Orb Pedestal, with symbol indication.
What the orb looks like before it is powered.
And after it's powered.
When the player ventures to this room they will be presented with floating debris, should they enter the room themselves they will also find they are floating too! However the controls in this room will only allow them to move side to side and also jump if they’re touching ground. Using these controls and the slanted walls if they go to the top of the room they will notice a pedestal, which looks as though something can be placed on it. If they drop down to the right side of the room they will find a crystal, which doesn't look like any of the other objects in this room and can also be picked up. This ISN'T what needs to be placed on the pedestal...not yet anyway... If the player had studied the map, or explored the level prior to this, they will have noticed another room with the same symbol as the 'Zero-G Room' this will be where the crystal has to be taken. Taking the crystal here, they will be presented with a power loading room, placing the crystal on in the generator will 'charge' it up and change its colour, indicating it can then be picked up again. Taking the crystal back to the pedestal will now allow it to be placed and the button appear outside the room’s door, pressing it will activate this room’s green light. 

Dark Room Code.
Side Note: Should the player make it to the generator as the lights go off, they will notice the code for the 'Dark Room' which is '1790'

The Dark Room

Button and light path for the dark room.
Outside this room is a button and pressing it will turn the lights off inside the room, which will then reveal lines on the floor in UV ink. (This is also another slight suggestion that writing will appear in the dark, just in case the player wasn't clear on that by now) Walking along the lines is a safe path through the room and will lead to another button in the centre of the room. The first button will also show the last small section of path to the final button of the room also, the button in the centre is more of a waypoint/safe-zone. Reaching the button in the centre will then reveal the middle part of the path for the player to walk along safely. Should the player stray from it, they will die and be rest back to the main room and all the green lights will be reset. The Puzzle for this room is relatively simple, but it is very unforgiving due to the player dying if they make one mistake. Completing it however will present them with a button outside the room which will activate this room’s green light!

So, after this puzzling journey there is now one more light to turn on and still one more code to find (if the player hasn’t already come across it anyway) Using the knowledge that things will appear in the darkness, that must meant the final code is somewhere when exploring in the dark right?...RIGHT! Should the player walk up these stairs in the darkness:

Stairs leading to the Water tank Code.
They will then walk down a hallway, and find the final code for the 'Water Tank' which is '4295'.

Water Tank Code.
The Water Tank

Bubbles coming rom the valve after the first turn.
This is the most abstract puzzle in the level and I will explain why. There are only two indications on how to complete this puzzle:
1. On the map in the main room, there is a '1' where this room is located.
2. Bubbles.
Should the player jump into the tank of water, they will then be presented will a multitude of valves and will also be locked in until they complete the puzzle...or drown. The aim is simple, drain the water. If the player was to turn a valve, bubbles will appear on that one and all other around the tank, as well as from the bottom of the tank, the water will also start to drain. 'Oh maybe I have to turn more valves to make the water drain faster!' said Jimmy. Jimmy now turns another valve, the bubbles turn off and the water begins to rise! Jimmy then starts frantically turning more and more valves but no more bubbles appear. Things then begin to fade...Poor Jimmy. 
Basically the solution to this puzzle is also simple, Turn 1 valve and wait for the water to drain. The idea behind this puzzle is to get the player to wait once in a while, instead of trying to rush things! Then they shall be rewarded with a drained tank that they can now climb out of! The button for this room will appear at its door, pressing it will turn the green light on!

Now most likely the player would have died and been reset back to the start a few times by now, however that’s what the buttons outside the puzzles are for. If they haven’t done this in one life, they must now find the correct route around the level to press the buttons and turn on the lights in the centre. This will then allow them to press the button next to the main door and here the beautiful 'Access Granted'. Behind the door is a lift and taking the left up will then reveal a short video saying 'Welcome to N.O.V.A' this is a small homage to the level I made in my third year of unit, as this level served as a prequel to it! So that is the player’s final reward! Interestingly enough the green lights seem to be reward enough for the player as when the complete a puzzle, run back to the room and see the light on, they get a great sense of achievement as they feel as though they're actually progressing.
The Final Video.

After a year of working on my MA this level is the culmination of everything I originally set out to create, teaching the player to play without tutorials, giving them a sense of free roam and having harsh but rewarding gameplay.
Although there have been hurdles throughout with the original ideas not coming to realisation straight away, issues with new software and also my laptop dying! I'm happy with what I have achieved.

If you would like to watch a video of a full playthough then here you go:

Or head to the link here:

To whomever this may concern, thank you for following my blog for this long and taking an interest in my work! I means a lot as I have noticed a few views on each of my posts, a few comments as well etc. I may update this blog as I progress in my game design dreams, or I may just make a new blog for it all, I’ll find a way to let you know xD


Monday, 13 October 2014

Testing the Idea...PART 3! - Return of the Test

Sooo, as you know I've been testing my level all week so I know what things to change to get players to understand the rules of my game better. Up to now the tests have been relatively successful with a few things that failed here and there, but nothing that can’t be fixed or updated! (There have still been a few problems with the Kismet scripting, but they should be all sorted now...I hope!)

Anyway, moving onto the new tests that have worked and what has been changed!

Currently this week we have had two people complete the level, with a further 2 that would have been able to complete the level given the time. However, since the completions I have made a few adjustments to the level to push certain ideas...Though most of it remains the same as explained in the last update!

I also created a little tally while I was in uni the other day, just tallying up how many people have played to how many of them have understood what we set out to achieve. Although not all of them have completed the level, the guidance implemented and the designs implemented almost all of them have understood, with the odd one that doesn't.

The main area in the dark and light.
The second person to complete the level this week was Bleu Dickson. It took him about 2 hours to complete and he understood everything about the level. This includes the guidance, alarm light guidance, codes in the dark, jumping in the jump room (Now that the crates have been added to the hallway before the room) the holograms in the botanical gardens, the 'E://...' on the computer (and also prior experience), that the water tank puzzle had something to do with bubbles, learnt his way around the level and finally that all the lights had to be turned on in the main room to complete the game. 

Bleu's is the best test yet, and after him we had two others, Luke and Sam who have also had brilliant tests, where everything was understood. Sam will even be continuing where he left off next week, as he had to leave to time constraints.
Luke however didn’t manage to complete the level due to not exploring to the generator room. This was a strange event as he has been the only person to not walk down the hallway to this room, instead he looked down it and diverted away every single time. he was also the only person to note the map down on paper (note: Every tester is given a piece of paper they can write things on should they feel the need to, but only a certain few seem to write things down)

We also had some foreign exchange students in class this week, from Germany, so I thought it would be a good idea to get at least one of them to test it (again they had time constraints as it was about...6pm when the test began and they had to pack their bags to fly home! also, for some reason the game decided it was going to crash every 5 minutes which hadn't happened until this test...) the one who tested it was called Ray, and as far as he got, seemed to understand most things he saw. When he saw the generator room, he understood something had to be brought to it, although at the time didn’t know due to him not finding an object to pick up. The only thing that didn’t work exactly as intended but still worked was the chevron guidance. He used them as a guide, however only linked the green chevron to the plants...for obvious reasons.

The new updated crates, No longer using UDK's stock crates.
Finally, some things that didn’t seem to work as intended have now been changed. As mentioned in my last blog update, the jump room now has crates before the player enters the room; this has definitely had an effect as players learnt that jumping is actually a mechanic that can be used in the level before they get there.

Main Room lights Before.

Main Lights and door now.
Another that didn’t work as intended (mainly because it wasn’t properly finished yet, as we didn’t have an ending to the level until recently!) were the lights in the main room. Most people who came across these thought that the codes would make the lights change, indicating somewhere was open. However the lights are there as an indication to when a puzzle is completed. It is understandable that players thought otherwise though! BUT! Now we have changed it I expect there to much more understanding as to what the lights do, which is open the door below them once all the puzzles have been complete.

The Updated Generator Room

The generator room seemed important for most players, but again as mentioned in my previous blog update we were making a change to the texturing of the generator to show the symbol of the 'Zero-G' room, so there is a link between them both. This again definitely made a change and players now understand that something from elsewhere in the level needs to be placed there. 

Updated Generator texture.
The new 'Incorrect' texture for the Plant Pods.

And lastly, the botanical gardens plant pod holograms have also been changed! They are now actually visible! The tester that made it there one the chance was made was Sam, and he instantly went to read them, and noticed some where different to others, which gave extra help to which vials when in which pod. 

The new 'Correct' texture for the Plant Pods.
As you can see the difference between the two is that the bottom pickure has '////Blue_2291.011....' which means its as simple as placing the blue vial in that Pod, whereas the others do nothing. 

Below are the links to some of the tests we have currently conducted, Some are in two parts as theyre too lon gto upload as one!

Jack Part 1:
Jack Part 2:
Farron Part 1:
Farron Part 2:
Josh Part 1:

The rest will be uploaded in the My final Blog post!

The final hand in for my MA is next Wednesday and I will be testing more on Monday and Tuesday to make sure everything is working correctly for my hand in!

Thanks for reading so far! =D

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Testing the Idea... PART 2!

Over the Past week we have been testing the level and working out its kinks.

We've found had a variety of feedback, however most of the time the theories I personally set out to conquer have proven correct!

ALSO! We had the first completion of the level this week! This is a massive success! =D

However, I'm going to write about the tests we have done recently, what problems arose and how they've been fixed.

First of all, a lot of the main issues that we have come across have been one of two things. Either, a problem on my part (for getting certain kismet scripting wrong) or something’s just weren’t clear enough for the player to understand, although they were close to understanding, as when we told them after their test they then thought it was relatively simple.
The new darkened corridor.

So currently we have had about 9 people test the level, and all of them seem to understand what they are doing to some respect, however only one of the nine have completed it.
Three of the testers, Ryan, Farron and Josh, seemed to get stuck after finding the first code, as they thought that they don’t 'need' to explore to find others, they assume that a code is given after each puzzle has been solved. Though the other 6, Adam, Gary, Ollie, Jack, Adil and Joe, all understood that the code appeared in the dark. They all figured this out different ways however; though all are ways I wanted to happen. The three ways this is possible are:
1. The Map indicates that 'UVs' will appear in darkness.
2. I changed the code so that it was visible at the end of a darkened hallway at all times whether the lights are on or off.
3. Through exploration of the facility, should the alarm go off at the correct time, there are two other locations of codes that can be found if they are in the right area at the right time.
Based on these results I have only changed one more thing in the level and will be testing to see if this helps, I have made a symbol UV visible in the 'Jump Room' to indicate that there will be a code to find there as well.
The Visible symbol through the Jump Room Window
Crates infront of the Jump Room
Moving onto the jump room itself, this has posed quite a few issues. A lot of the tester’s didn’t understand what they had to do in this room, so much has had to be changed. When the player enters this room they if they look up they will notice a platform sticking out of the wall, this is to show the player where to go, but also how to get there. Should they walk close to a wall, a platform will push out and into them knocking them back slightly but its main indication is that there may be more in this room. If they look on the wall, the pattern for the platform layout is also on the wall, so they know where they have to jump to reach the top!
One problem I did think of however is the fact we haven’t taught the player to jump yet, so before they get to this room, I will be adding crates for them to jump over, to let them understand that jumping is an option before they enter the room it is needed in.

Shot of a door closing.
One main problem we found was that when the alarms went off, there wasn’t a great amount of time for players to get back to the centre, as I had set the timer to about 40 seconds for them to get back to the main room. We noticed this wasn’t nearly enough time as most of the testers would get stuck outside a lot and end up resetting. However this did help prove they understood they must get back to the centre to turn the alarms off, and also if they didn’t they would reset and everything would be back to normal, kind of like a 'Perma death'. So to stop this, I changed the timers not only on until they get reset, but the length of time it takes for a door to shut, just so if they player see's the door shutting, they will then understand the others will be too.
Along with this, most of the testers also understood that the alarm lights are timed and also that when the alarm lights that appear when the alarm is going off, are used to guide them. the other few thought they were either just for aesthetic purpose, or where a little disorientating. So nothing here needs changing.

The Botanical gardens

Next is the 'Botanical Gardens' Room, this is the main puzzle all the testers have made it to, due to the first code appearing in the dark Hallway being the code for this door. In here, the player must insert three vials into the correct plant pods, to then release a gas (which isn’t implemented just yet) to kill a plant that is blocking the door out. In here we have three more indications on what to do:
1. The first indication is the plant that blocks the door. The plant that blocks the player in is also a plant in three of the pods on the inside of the room, indicating the correct place to put them.
2. The correct pots will have symbols on them, each of them correspond the symbol on the Vial that needs to be inserted into the pod.
3. Should the player read a 'Hologram' that is on the pod, each will say a different colour, which is also an indication to the colour of the vials.

Before the symbol was moved
After the symbol was moved
What the Holograms look like in some areas
What the holograms should look like
Interestingly enough, most players (apart from one who linked the plants together as well) get here and only use the symbols to match to the correct pods. Although this might be because the holograms aren’t displaying correctly at the moment, and I have noticed a few of the testers go to read them before doing anything else. Here the only things that will currently be changed is the texture on the bots, and also the placement of one of the symbols as it was in too much darkness for testers to see.

BUBBLES! (Inside the water tank)
Currently only two people have made it to the 'Water Tank' room, however there have been a few issues here which i have no changed/fixed. The first time we noticed the tester (Jack) didn't turn around to notice that bubbles were coming from the floor when one valve was turned. So to give the player more of an indication that the bubbles actually exist, I have made it so the bubbles now come out of the valves in the area too when one is turned. This definitely had an impact on the second tester (Joe) as when he noticed the bubbles appear and disappear he then realised that something was happening. Although some of the scripting was incorrect, which ended up making him think he had to do other things he still understood the bubbles meant something.

Dark Room Before
Dark Room After
Two people have made it to the dark room also, our first tester Ollie and the current last tester Joe who also completed the level. Ollie didn’t particularly attempt the dark room, though Joe did. Joe tried a few things first; though mostly just running into the room and realising each time he did he got reset. Eventually he learnt that when he pressed the buttons on the outside it was showing him a safe pathway through the room. Whilst watching him I quickly realised this room was far too difficult and so I have changed a few things. First of all the room is now always lit, but when the player presses the button on the outside of the room they will go off and reveal part of a path in UV ink. I have also moved the second button that used to be outside, to the inside of the room as a sort of waypoint, but it also gives the next part of the safe path to the end.

Generator Room

A lot of the testers while exploring the level usually come across the generator room, which is used to help power an orb in the 'Zero-G' room. They all seem to think it’s important but aren’t sure how. So to help indicate what it’s used for, the texture of it is being changed to show the symbol for the 'Zero-G' room.

All of the testers have currently learnt their way around the level after a few times of wondering around, which is great! If they haven't after a while however they have gone straight to the map to figure it all out. They have also made a connection with the 'Chevrons' being there to guide them, however not all have made the connection to the colours of the chevrons to the colours on the keypad, most seem to associate the green chevron to the leaves outside the botanical room for example.

Finally, all the testers have also understood how to interact with things from the get-go, which is mainly due to their prior experience of playing PC games. This is perfect as I was aiming the main basis of this theory towards gamers; this shows that the controls don’t need to pop up on the screen for them to know what to do. Even if they didn’t understand how to interact, they saw the 'E://...' on the computer screen at the beginning and then understood 'E' was the interact key.

Above is the test video for Adil's test! again its quite long (not as long as some of the other testers though which ranges from 45mins-2hrs) Unfortunately I cannot upload Jack's test as my computer seems to die when I try to due to it being over an hour long!

Tests will be continuing until next week before the final hand in for my MA!